Girl of my dreams...
Here I'am again... in my room, in front of my ever so useful computer working my butt off to pay my up-coming bills. I can't really think of something to write.. all I want to do is to jam my keyboard and create words that will merge into sentence... I really want to share some stuffs about me and my "girl" but I'll have it posted once I transferred our pictures... hmmm me and my girl... and her damned period which I really want to stop... unfortunately unlike the other girls who had their period once a month... my girl have her period everyday of the week... that is until I have her fixed hehehe. If only I could just patch her up with a couple of "Whisper with Mulawin Wings" to stop her leak, That could save me lots of bread, if that was only possible, hmmm... possible maybe... but quite stupid and idiotic. Until now I still can't believe that she's living here with me... after years of dreaming... after years of planning... finally I have her n...