Come What May

Last friday night, we were talking about our "ultimate" favorite song... I could easily answer "In the End - Linking Park or Steel Gods of the Last Apocalipse - Rhapsody" but these song, though I really like em, doesnt fit as the "ultimate"... thinking for a while then I remembered this one particular song by Air Supply... Come What May. Here's some of the lyrics...

Come What May

When she looks at me
I know the girl sees things nobody else can see
All of the secret fears inside and all the restlessness I hide
You look into my Soul and read me like nobody can...
And She doesn't judge the man She just takes me as I'am...

Come What May
She Believes and that Faith is
Something I never known... before.

Come What May
She Loves me and that love has helped me open the door
Making me Love myself a little more...


A very beautiful and striking song... making this my ultimate favorite song of all time...
A rarity today...


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