Goodbye Mr. Crocodile Hunter
I was at the restaurant when I heard the news something about Steve Irwin - the world renowned zoo keeper and environmentalist. I was not able to hear the news flash title but somehow I got this hunch.. So I hurriedly went to the internet shop beside our restaurant to readup, knowing Steve Irwin, if our local news channel had it in their headline then its gotta be headline in the net.
It doesnt take a while to locate the news... and it really shocked me..
Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin killed
If you have discovery channel at home, you probably have the idea who the man is. He's an australian environmentalist who captivated my attention because of his courage when it comes into handling very dangerous animals. I remembered one time when he jumped into a huge crocs back and wrestled the animal to have it relocated... damn the man is good!
He even have his own movie, though not a big fan of the movie but thinking that a man like him... dying so early.. his only 44... having a family.. the irony of it all... he handled dangerous creatures such as crocodiles, snakes, sharks, lions etc... and he died from being stung by a stingray... a stingray arent suppose to be deadly.. unfortunately he was stung directly in the chest, puncturing a hole into hes heart, resulting to death.
For you Steve Irwin, a huge CRIKEY! You will be missed... I will certainly miss your show... your courage will never be forgotten, you devotion to the environment will forever be a beacon for many.
Take care of all the animals in heaven ok.
Read the news article here